I don't know how much masturbation is considered moderate, 7 key points that need to be grasped at all times

 For men, masturbation is commonplace. No, Tie Zhu (pseudonym) ran over yesterday and asked Dahe brother: "I suspect that I masturbated too much, but compared with the previous times, it is not much, once every other day was fine. , Now once every three days, I feel a little empty, how can I control the frequency?"

In fact, many people have this problem, and some young friends have mentioned it a few times recently. Today, Big Brother uses reverse thinking to explain to everyone, so that everyone can know more clearly how to grasp the problem of frequency.

With the development of sexual knowledge, related scientific research has long shown that masturbation is a normal and healthy physiological behavior, and 90% of men and more than 60% of women have experienced masturbation. It's just that there are differences in the frequency and whether it is excessive or not, and there is a certain madness.

When you don’t know how to grasp the frequency of masturbation, and don’t know how to judge whether it is excessive or not, you can observe it in the opposite direction and recognize the manifestations of excessive masturbation in advance. When these manifestations occur, you should stop in time instead of using specific times. I numb myself, and even when I am addicted to masturbation, I still convince myself to continue masturbating.

First of all, objectively speaking, the frequency of masturbation is affected by factors such as age, physical condition, mental state, and work and rest. It is not a constant number, it has variables. Mentioned here is a moderate number of times. Therefore, when there are variables, they should not be measured by fixed numbers. Maybe three times this week, and one or two next week.

Therefore, we do not use a fixed number of times to measure whether masturbation is excessive or moderate. Instead, we use the following indicators to judge. Let's take a look at the following.

The first point: masturbation for more than 2 years, masturbation behavior every month, and the number of wet dreams and slippery sperm more than 2 times per week in half a year.

The second point: people who masturbate too much will lose a lot of calcium, causing the loss of trace elements in the body, which will easily affect the growth of the body's bones. When you find that the bones are easily injured, and the bones and muscles are often painful and uncomfortable, you should You should know to be in moderation.

The third point: sleep is not stable, dreamy insomnia, sleep quality is reduced, even if you lie in bed for a long time, you still feel that you don't get enough sleep, and your mental state is poor all day long, and you are easily fatigued during work and life during the day, lethargic, and unable to lift yourself up.

The fourth point: lack of concentration, often misunderstanding, unclear thinking, decreased memory, accompanied by tinnitus, when such phenomena occur, most of them are mixed with decreased sleep quality.

The fifth point: decreased resistance, easy to catch colds and get sick, etc., the skin is prone to allergies, itching and growing things, the outer layer of the skin is more sensitive than others, and some people are also accompanied by urticaria, eczema, etc.

Point 6: After frequent masturbation, the genital organs will experience dull pain, bulging, labor pains and other uncomfortable sensations, and frequent urination will be uncomfortable, accompanied by burning sensation in the urethra.

The seventh point: the pleasure of ejaculation gradually decreases, libido decreases, erection hardness gradually decreases, morning erection decreases, guilt increases, and addiction is obvious.

The seven points summarized by Dahe brother are in line with most of the manifestations of excessive masturbation. Of course, a single phenomenon does not fully explain it, but it is just a reminder. It is necessary to combine multiple phenomena to make a comprehensive judgment. Also, always pay attention to how your body feels about yourself. When the state is good, there is no need to have a psychological burden once or twice; when the state is not good, abstinence for a few days or a week will not be a problem.

You don’t have to pay attention to the number of times, you should pay attention to whether your body can stand it, pay more attention to your state changes, and don’t be led away by emotions and obsessions. The last point is that the frequency of masturbation needs to be gradually reduced, and it cannot be stopped suddenly, which will not effectively reduce the frequency.